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Provinces can no longer grant cultural subsidies

At the beginning of 2018, the provinces lost their powers in the field known as “person-related matters” (besides culture, this means youth, sport and welfare).

This means they can no longer give subventions for projects or organizations active in culture and the other person-related matters.

Now what?

The provinces’ former powers and budgets have been shifted to local governments (i.e. city and municipal councils) and to the Flemish Government.

From 2020 onwards, the Flemish Government issues a new decree on Supralocal Cultural Policy (decreet Bovenlokale Cultuurwerking). Within this field, the Project subventions for supralocal projects (Projectsubsidies voor bovenlokale cultuurprojecten) are particularly interesting, if you want to organize a cultural project that exceed municipal borders.

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‘In the Spotlight’ is a platform for dancers, dance teachers and makers to tell just that little bit more about their work. Discover the diversity of the dance landscape

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Maakplaats in Ghent offers studio space, coaching, presentation moments and visibility for choreographers, new makers and dancers. Danspunt makes 7 by 7 space for your dance laboratory where you can deepen, innovate and present.

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