Insurance type
An insurance against Civil Liability [Burgerlijke Aansprakelijkheid] covers the damages you may have to pay if anyone acting on behalf of your association causes damage or loss to a third party.
An insurance against Physical Accidents [Lichamelijke Ongevallen] covers the costs incurred if the insured has an accident.
You can find all information about the coverage in the document specific provisions of the Danspunt insurance.
Who is covered?
The insurance is ‘nominative’, so everyone whose name is submitted to Danspunt is insured. Dancers, teachers, volunteers, as well as people who work via KVR can be insured.
Non-members who are present during, or who take part in, promotional activities (e.g. an introduction, trial lesson or open day) are also insured.
The self-employed or people who work via SBK or employment office do not normally have to be insured by you. They are covered by their own insurance.
What is covered?
The insurance covers your group’s usual activities. Dance classes and rehearsals, performances, events, barbecues, etc. are covered by the insurance.
Damage to infrastructure (e.g. damage to a rented dance studio) is not covered. If needed, you can take an optional extra insurance.
Please note: You may have to take out extra insurance for some activities, such as fire insurance or objective liability insurance for fire and explosion or other types of compulsory insurance.
Read more details in the Specific Provisions of the Danspunt insurance.
How does it work?
You can sign up all or some of the members, participants or teachers of your group, company, school or dance organisation for just 3 euro per person per year.
You can insure your group
- from September to the end of August (per academic year) or
- from January to the end of December (per calendar year)
You can sign up for the insurance at any time.
Sign up
You can now take out insurance for the calender year 2025, so from January 2025 until and including December 2025.
- Complete the digital order form to ensure your insurance at Danspunt.
- As soon as you have all the details of the people you want to insure, complete the insurance list and send it to
- Pay Danspunt for the insurance after you have received the invoice.
Danspunt invoices for insurance three times a year, so don’t worry if you don’t receive an invoice immediately. As long as we have received the order form, you can assume that your insurance is in order
Day cover
In addition to the annual insurance, you can take out insurance for Civil Liability and Physical Accidents in the form of day cover for extra activities in which dancers or volunteers take part (dance camps, workshops, performances, etc).
Day cover costs 0.50 euro per person per day.
Please note: You can only make use of this day cover if your regular dancers, members, and/or teachers, etc, are covered by annual insurance via Danspunt.
For activities of six days or longer, it is better to take out annual insurance.
- Complete the online day cover form at least seven days before your activity (don’t forget to submit).
- You will receive an invoice after the activity.
What if there is an accident?
Read all about the procedure for reporting a physical accident.
TIP: Make sure that accident report forms are always available at the locations where your activities take place, and give one immediately to the injured person to take to the doctor.
Danspunt must receive the fully completed form within seven days.
Extra insurance
Organisations insured via Danspunt can get the following options from our agent and/or insurer:
- building and contents insurance (this includes a fire insurance)
- objective liability insurance for fire and explosion
- Director or trustee liability insurance (for board members of a vzw)
Contact us for more information.