nl / en

This workshop will be taught in Dutch and/or English (depending on the languages the participants speak).

Are you a primary school teacher, or do you work as a dancer in a school sometimes? This workshop may inspire you. In this session, Maud Tielemans takes you into the world of dance expression for primary education. She recently published an inspiration guide in the ‘Zeppelin’ series that she will explain. You will get a brief outline of the musical educational technique ‘Zeppelin’, specifically focused on dance education, along with concrete examples of lessons for pupils in all years of primary education, with the necessary tips and tricks to use in lessons.

Maud Tielemans portret

Who is Maud Tielemans?

After her bachelor’s degree in Dance in Education at Codarts Rotterdam, Maud decided to complete her training with a Master of Arts in Education. Maud has also specialised as a culture expert for De Spiegel and a children’s yoga teacher, and she has gained a postgraduate diploma in Arts and Culture Management from Ghent University.

Maud has made it her mission to make dance an intrinsic part of primary education. To achieve this, Maud is currently teaching general dance didactics at Codarts Rotterdam and training primary school teachers in musical dance education at Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts. She is also an educational worker at The Dutch Don’t Dance Division in The Hague and the Nederlandse Dansdagen in Maastricht.

Why does Anne-Lore Baeckeland think you should take this session?

Musical training in schools gives children the chance to discover other skills and talents. Our education is extremely focused on developing the exact sciences and language. Musical education in schools gives children the opportunity to develop their creativity and to see and interact with the world in a different way. In our neighbouring countries, there is a much stronger tradition of working with dance in schools, with certified dance teachers. In Belgium, it has never gone beyond one-off projects and strongly motivating ordinary teachers to work with dance. Maud’s new publication is a tool that promises to breathe new life into the situation.

‘In the Spotlight’ is a platform for dancers, dance teachers and makers to tell just that little bit more about their work. Discover the diversity of the dance landscape

and be inspired

Maakplaats in Ghent offers studio space, coaching, presentation moments and visibility for choreographers, new makers and dancers. Danspunt makes 7 by 7 space for your dance laboratory where you can deepen, innovate and present.

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