You never know when someone will need your help, but you can choose to be prepared for an unforeseeable situation. We will spend a whole day exploring first aid with you. Knowing about first aid is one thing, but practical ability is quite another. Sophie Van Antwerpen from Help Snel will teach you the tricks of the trade. We will immerse you in the finer points of skin injuries, sprains, broken bones, choking, strokes, epilepsy, bandaging, hyperventilation, heart problems and resuscitation.
We consider how to tackle a situation, the steps we take and how to get help from elsewhere. It will be a very practical session. You will practice on dolls, install useful apps and have plenty of opportunities to ask specific questions.
Sophie Van Antwerpen is a trained nurse with more than 25 years of experience working in a hospital, where she has been the head paediatric nurse for 15 years. In 2021, she founded the training centre Help Snel. She aims to teach first aid interactively to as many people as possible. She gives plenty of practical examples and brings equipment to practice on, so that everyone really feels able to administer first aid by the end of a training session.
Practical details
The workshop scheduled for 4 June will be rescheduled for spring 2024. Date online soon.
Danspunt Dance Studio, Ghent
40 euros (30 euros for students, over-65s and people on income support or increased health benefits)