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Teaching dance safely to children and young people isn’t easy. Children and young people are still developing, which has implications for your approach, preparation and teaching practice. In 2002, Dance UK published its “Dance Teaching Essentials” to support dance teachers in teaching safely. It includes an extensive description of the physical and psychological development of children and young people. But applying scientific theories in practice, in your dance studio, isn’t necessarily easy.

We will bridge the gap between the scientific literature and practice. As a group, we will run through the different physical and psychological aspects specific to different age groups (from young children to young adolescents), brainstorm the possible applications and exchange tips and tricks for aligning our lessons with the target group even better.

Evelien Maes in dance pose

Who is Evelien Maes?

Evelien graduated from Fontys Academy of the Arts (Tilburg) as a dance teacher in 2013, adding an MSc in Dance Science from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance (London) in 2017. As a dance teacher and scientist, she is always searching for ways to make the science of dance usable in practice, as well as making this knowledge more accessible to other dance teachers.

Why does the programmer, Anne-Lore Baeckeland, think you should take this session?

Evelien is my partner in crime for teacher training at Danspunt. She is fascinated by the knowledge behind every method and technique she uses, and the foundations on which they are based. She is also really motivated to help dance teachers find what they are looking for.

‘In the Spotlight’ is a platform for dancers, dance teachers and makers to tell just that little bit more about their work. Discover the diversity of the dance landscape

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Maakplaats in Ghent offers studio space, coaching, presentation moments and visibility for choreographers, new makers and dancers. Danspunt makes 7 by 7 space for your dance laboratory where you can deepen, innovate and present.

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