This workshop will be given in English
This 1.5 hour workshop will explore ways to develop and structure dance material. What happens after you create, recall and have devoloped movements using devices, relationships, and space? What happens with these phrases, sequences, and moments? How do you structure a dance composition?
What is a choreographic hook? This is something an audience remembers from a dance piece. It’s more than a motif, or repetition; it is something that draws the audience into the piece. It’s a moment, it is when the audience connects with the dance. Together we will explore what we find interesting when we watch dance.
What is a choreographic hack? A hack is a strategy or technique to make things more efficient for example changing the intention, using the same movement material in many ways, adding in a clever transition, getting to the interesting moment quickly in the creation process. Together we will explore structural choreographic hacks they will enable you to develop innovative and interesting choreographic moments, even sections with your young dancers. Let’s make a dance!
What to expect: To be moving, interacting with other dancers, to be given clear instructions, to be given space to generate ideas, to acquire new knowledge, to apply this in the moment and to share your movement ideas with others. Justine aims to inspire, involve, challenge, invigorate, include and is always open to answer any questions at any point during the workshop.